Monastery Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias

Cultural heritage

Exhibition: «VISTA ALEGRE. From a recreational estate to an urban paradise»

My Landscape Workshop

REGION Exhibition on Red Itiner

Editorial news: Titulcia, the forgotten city

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Presentation of the conference. Bioarchaeology of Care. Roberto Sáez Martín.

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Action plan on historic bridges. Mocha Bridge Valdemaqueda

From the confluence of roads and rivers arises the need to link both banks: this is where the road transforms and the bridge emerges, as a crossroads of roads and a meeting place for towns and people.

What to do if an archaeological remains is found

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Look Pastor Valdemaqueda

The great collective album about the daily landscape of the Community of Madrid

Painting depicting the murder of women in religious clothing by men wearing turbans and carrying sabres

Located in the antechoir of the Monastery of San Ildefonso and San Juan de la Mata or Convent of the Discalced Trinitarians in Madrid

Image of a woman with her hand on her chest and long golden hair

Monastery of the Jeronymite Mothers of Corpus Christi in Madrid

Fountain with a cobbled floor, wall and staircase

Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of Cultural Landscape