Facade covered by scaffolding, tiled roofs and church in the background

Restoration of the roofs of the Diéguez Theatre


Located in Colmenar de Oreja

The Diéguez Theatre was built in the mid-19th century on the site of the former Hospital de la Caridad. This building, dating back to the 16th century, consisted of two floors built around a central courtyard with arcades on the ground floor and a corridor or galleries on the main floor.

Towards the middle of the 1889th century the hospital fell into decline and was finally converted into a school and theatre in 1904. The theatre was renamed Diéguez in memory of Antonio Diéguez Cruz, born in Colmenar de Oreja in 1936 and died in XNUMX during the first moments of the Civil War.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the roof was raised to make room for the second amphitheatre, its layout was redesigned and decorated by a set designer following models by Ulpiano Checa, who painted the coat of arms above the entrance.