Book: Titulcia. The forgotten city
Ten years of archaeological research
Titulcia had a prominent place in ancient times, especially in pre-Roman and Roman times, when it was a prominent economic, religious and social centre with great influence on the Iberian Peninsula, but which, due to various circumstances, was destroyed, abandoned and forgotten.
The book Titulcia, the forgotten city. Ten years of archaeological research It is the result of research work carried out at this Carpetanian-Roman site, a large settlement from the Second Iron Age, whose most relevant phase of occupation took place approximately between the end of the 4th and beginning of the 3rd century BC and the first half of the 2nd century BC.
The publication is a decisive step in understanding this settlement, which attempts to answer all the questions that have arisen over the centuries, with the aim of recovering, protecting and disseminating its magnificent archaeological and cultural legacy.
Where to find the book
- Edition: General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Spanish Office
- Authors: Jose Polo Lopez and Maria del Carmen Valenciano Prieto
- Price: 20 €
- Points of sale: Commercial bookstores and Institutional Bookstore of the Community of Madrid
C / Fortuny, 51. 28010 Madrid.
Tel: 91 702 76 21 - Fax: 91 319 50 55 - ISBNs: N.º 978-84-451-4134-2
DL: M-15787-2024
Ten years of archaeological research
Several years of various archaeological interventions were carried out in the then called Titulcia Archaeological Reserve until, in the summer of 2009, a gilded silver patera was found in one of the rooms of the Carpetanian settlement on the hill. This piece, unique in the Community of Madrid, together with other notable findings, was the catalyst for the start of systematic annual archaeological excavation campaigns in the area. oppidum from Titulcia that continued until 2014.
The site, declared A Cultural In 2012, in the category of Archaeological Zone, it is included in the network of visitable sites of the Community of Madrid. Titulcia Archaeological Interpretation Centre (CTIL), promoted by the City Council of Titulcia, with the collaboration of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Autonomous University, was inaugurated in March 2015 and completed years later with a second phase, finished in the summer of 2018.