S3 Strategy
The RIS3 or Smart Specialization Strategy in Research and Innovation or (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy)
The RIS3 (or S3) is a regional development and positioning strategy, which is based on the pillars of research, innovation and entrepreneurship, integrating the different agents of the regional ecosystem that defines the quadruple helix (companies, academia, administrations public and social agents), all of this, in order to take advantage of the strengths of the region, its capacities and resources, through the discovery of new entrepreneurial opportunities (EDP) that result in innovative initiatives, in new products, goods and services, and ultimately, in greater competitiveness and leadership of the region's agents at the national and international level, with the consequent social and environmental improvements.
Window to the citizen
Leave us here your suggestions, comments and opinions in favor of a better and more participatory regional strategy, open to all agents of the Madrid Research and Innovation ecosystem: the administration, academia, companies and citizens.

In 2024, the Community of Madrid gave almost 26 million in aid to 11.000 entrepreneurs and self-employed workers in the region
The Madrid Strategy for Employment 2025/27 has 15 measures aimed at this group and at social economy companies endowed with 83,4 million

The Community of Madrid led the creation of companies in Spain in 2024 with the highest figure in 18 years
A total of 27.000 new businesses have been formalized, with an increase of almost 10% compared to the previous year.

The Community of Madrid is the most digital region in Spain with almost a third of its Gross Added Value related to this sector
This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Digitalisation, Manuel Pérez, during the closing of the III Business Meeting organised by the City Council