Instruments and Actions to support the EDP
The objectives established in the S3 (and in the EM2i), require the participation of all the agents of the Madrid research and innovation ecosystem and the support, by the administration, through a series of instruments, platforms and actions directed, ultimately term, to promote entrepreneurship, as a touchstone to achieve the ultimate goal of leading the Community of Madrid to be the reference Hub for Research and Innovation in southern Europe.
CM financing programs
The financing of R+D+i in the CM is organized in regional plans known as PRICIT, the last being the VI Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2022-2025 (VI PRICIT) . The VI PRICIT includes a set of instruments and actions in the field of Research and Innovation that are articulated in different Programs:
- TALENT program. (Development, Attraction and Retention)
- Program promoting SCIENCE and generating KNOWLEDGE.
- Program to promote COLLABORATION AND VALUATION of results.
- Program to improve the DISSEMINATION AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION of society
- Program to maximize RESULTS ORIENTATION
Considering the scope of application of the calls, we can differentiate those focused on the RESEARCH (oriented to Universities, Research Centers, etc.) of those oriented to the INNOVATION and transfer (companies, SMEs, Startups, etc.). Below is a list of the different calls in both areas.
For additional information about European Funds, consult the following links:
European Funds in the Community of Madrid
Structural Funds in the General Directorate of Research and Technological Innovation.
- Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Local Administration
- Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Interior
- Regional Department of Economy, Taxation and Employment
- Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Affairs
- Digitization Department
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Housing, Transport and Infrastructures
- Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports
Support for CM entrepreneurship
Clusters of the Community of Madrid
During the year 2022, the Community of Madrid promotes the creation of several clusters within the Madrid ecosystem, aligned with the Madrid strategy and with the new European paradigms. These clusters are created in order to boost the Madrid ecosystem, creating a meeting space for the agents that make them up (quadruple helix), identifying their needs and strengths, as well as promoting synergies, collaboration and transfer between them. The ultimate objective, once again, is to strengthen the Community of Madrid as a pole of reference, nationally and internationally, in relation to the scope of activity of each cluster. The total number of Clusters created is nine:
- Digital Clusters: Four Clusters promoted by the Department of Local Administration and Digitization, with the aim of continuing to promote "digital transformation" in the region.
- Blockchain Cluster (Three songs)
- AI cluster (Leganes)
- IoT cluster (The Roses)
- Digital Transformation Cluster (Torrejon de Ardoz)
- Technological Innovation and Talent Clusters (CITT) , Four Clusters promoted from the General Directorate of Research and Technological Innovation of the Vice Presidency, Ministry of Education and Universities of the CM.
- CITT in Semiconductors
- CITT in Digital Humanities and Spanish Technologies
- CITT in Biomedical Technologies and Biotechnology
- CITT in Space Technologies
- CM Agri-Food Cluster. Cluster promoted in 2023 from the DG of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, belonging to the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Agriculture