The Madrid R&I Ecosystem and the Quadruple Helix (SM2i – 4H)


The Ecosystem of the Community of Madrid for Research and Innovation (SM2i) is characterized, among other aspects, by being complex, diverse and dynamic. From a conceptual point of view, the agents that make it up would be within the tetrahedron that represents the quadruple helix of the company, academia, administration and society in general.

tetrahedron 4h


Within this tetrahedron we can identify the different agents of the em2i ecosystem: Universities, OPIs, Technology Centers, Clusters, Associations, etc.

SM2i Agents


The Community of Madrid constitutes the largest Spanish research and innovation pole, being a leading region in investment in R&D+i, in employment in R&D and in investment in technological innovation.
From a business point of view, the dynamism of the Community of Madrid is reflected in the number of companies established in Madrid (around 16% of all companies established in Spain) and in the concentration of companies in R+-intensive sectors D with more than 200 employees (31%), also having important acceleration and incubation programs for entrepreneurial businesses and new creation of digital companies with high growth and high potential.
Add, the leadership of the Community of Madrid in Private Centers of Excellence in R&D, with numerous examples of multinationals that have decided to locate their centers of excellence in the region to carry out research activities.


By the type of agents it would be possible to differentiate:

  • Entities that generate knowledge (Universities, IMDEAs, OPIs, etc.)
  • Entities dedicated to the transfer and application of this knowledge in technologies oriented to its commercial use (Technological C., OTRIs, Laboratories and ICTSs)
  • System revitalization entities, and intermediate infrastructures (Technology Parks, business associations, Clusters, Madri+d, etc.)
  • Business tissue (companies that generate innovative products and companies that are users or potential users of the R&D results and the R&D Centers of these companies, with special attention to new Technology-Based Companies (TEBs).