communications station antenna

Buitrago de Lozoya satellite communications station


Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of scientific site

Built in 1967, the Buitrago de Lozoya communications station played a fundamental role in the history of science and technology of the last XNUMXth century, in NASA's Apollo missions. 

The need for the US space agency to maintain contact with ships in orbit made it necessary to build stations in different places around the world, capable of responding to both the communications requirements and the transmissions of television signals that are part of of collective memory. 

The building was the result of a collaboration between the architects Julio Cano Lasso (1920-1996) and Juan Antonio Ridruejo Brieva (1935-202) and remained operational as a satellite center until 2003. The history of this property and its importance in The aerospace research of the time has led to its declaration as an Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of scientific site.