The fair of San Isidro 2018
The San Isidro 2018 fair will take place from May 8 to June 10, and will feature 27 bullfights, 3 novilladas with picadors and 4 rejones celebrations. Previously, on May 1 and 2, the Feria de la Comunidad de Madrid will be held, consisting of a chopped bullfight and a Goya bullfight. One more season, "may God distribute luck" to all the performers.
Community Fair
This year, at the Feria de la Comunidad de Madrid, they will do the paseíllo right-handers and bullfighters from the Madrid bullfighting schools:
TUESDAY, MAY 1. Steers by López Gibaja for Amor Rodríguez, Pablo Mora and Francisco de Manuel.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. Bulls from El Tajo and La Reina for Iván Vicente, Javier Cortés and Gonzalo Caballero.
Both celebrations will begin at 18: 30 hours.
Feria de San Isidro
In the 34 days of San Isidro festivities, 53 bullfighters, 11 rejoneadores and 9 novilleros from eight different nationalities and 28 cattle will participate:
TUESDAY 8 DE MAYO: Steers of Guadaira for David Garzón, Carlos Ochoa and Ángel Téllez.
WEDNESDAY 9 DE MAYO: Bulls of La Quinta for Juan Bautista, El Cid, Morenito de Aranda.
THURSDAY 10 DE MAYO: Toros de Fuente Ymbro for Joselito Adame, Román and José Garrido.
FRIDAY 11 DE MAYO: Bulls of Pedraza de Yeltes. Manuel Escribano, Daniel Luque and Fortes.
SATURDAY 12 DE MAYO: Bulls of Bohórquez for Martín Burgos, Rui Fernándes, Joao Moura Jr, Leonardo Hernández, Joao Telles and Andrés Romero.
13 DE MAYO SUNDAY: Baltasar Iban bulls for Alberto Aguilar, Sergio Flores and Francisco José Espada.
MONDAY 14 DE MAYO: Bulls from Las Ramblas for David Mora, Juan del Álamo and José Garrido.
MARTES 15 DE MAYO: Bulls of Puerto de San Lorenzo / Ventana del Puerto for El Fandi, Paco Ureña and López Simón.
WEDNESDAY 16 DE MAYO: Bulls of Núñez del Cuvillo for Antonio Ferrera, José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante.
THURSDAY 17 DE MAYO: Toros by Juan Pedro Domecq / Parladé for Finito de Córdoba, Román and Luis David.
FRIDAY 18 DE MAYO: Toros de Jandilla / Vegahermosa for Juan José Padilla, Sebastián Castella and Roca Rey.
SATURDAY 19 DE MAYO: Toros de Alcurrucén for Curro Díaz, Joselito Adame and Juan del Álamo.
SUNDAY MAY 20: Bulls from San Mateo, San Pelayo, Carmen Lorenzo and Pedro and Verónica Gutiérrez Lorenzo for Diego Ventura and Leonardo Hernández.
MONDAY 21 DE MAYO: Steers from Conde de Mayalde for Pablo Atienza, Toñete and Alfonso Cadaval.
MARTES 22 DE MAYO: Toros de El Ventorillo for Curro Díaz, Morenito de Aranda and David Mora.
WEDNESDAY 23 DE MAYO: Bulls of Victoriano del Río / Toros de Cortés for Miguel Ángel Perera, Alejandro Talavante and Roca Rey.
THURSDAY 24 DE MAYO: Corrida de la Cultura. Bulls of Domingo Hernández / Garcigrande, Alcurrucén, Victoriano del Río / Toros de Cortés for El Juli and Ginés Marín
FRIDAY 25 DE MAYO: Bulls of Núñez del Cuvillo for Juan Bautista, Paco Ureña and López Simón.
SATURDAY 26 DE MAYO: Steers from Fuente Ymbro for Marcos, Alejandro Gardel and Francisco de Manuel.
SUNDAY 27 DE MAYO: Toros de Dolores Aguirre for Rubén Pinar, Venegas and Gómez del Pilar.
MONDAY 28 DE MAYO: Resin Match Bulls for Javier Castaño, Ricardo Torres and Thomas Duffau.
TUESDAY 29 DE MAYO: Toros de Torrehandilla for Daniel Luque, David Galván and Álvaro Lorenzo.
WEDNESDAY 30 DE MAYO: Toros by Domingo Hernández / Garcigrande for Enrique Ponce, Sebastián Castella and Jesús Enrique Colombo (confirmation).
THURSDAY 31 DE MAYO: Corrida de las 6 Naciones.- Bulls from El Pilar for Juan Bautista, Luis Bolívar, Juan del Álamo, Joaquín Galdós, Luis David and Jesús Enrique Colombo.
FRIDAY 1 OF JUNE. Bulls of Victoriano del Río / Toros de Cortés for Sebastián Castella, José María Manzanares and Cayetano.
SATURDAY, JUNE 2. Bulls from San Mateo, San Pelayo, Carmen Lorenzo and Pedro and Verónica Gutiérrez Lorenzo for Hermoso de Mendoza, Sergio Galán and Lea Vicens.
JUNE 3 OF JUNE. Miura bulls for Rafaelillo, Pepe Moral and Román.
JUNE 4 MONDAY. Bulls of Saltillo for Octavio Chacón, Esau Fernández, Sebastián Ritter.
JUNE 5 TUESDAY. Bulls of José Escolar for Rafaelillo, Fernando Robleño and Luis Bolívar.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 6: Extraordinary Corrida de la Beneficencia: Toros de Alcurrucén for Antonio Ferrera, Miguel Ángel Perera and Ginés Marín.
THURSDAY 7 DE JUNIO: Livestock Challenge. Bulls of Rehuelga / Pallarés (P.Buendía) for Iván Vicente, Javier Cortés and Javier Jiménez.
FRIDAY 8 DE JUNIO: Adolfo Martín bulls for El Cid, Pepe Moral and Ángel Sánchez (alternative).
SATURDAY 9 DE JUNIO: Los Espartales Bulls for Diego Ventura and Andy Cartagena.
SUNDAY 10 DE JUNIO: Corrida de la Prensa.- Bulls of Victorino Martín for Manuel Escribano, Paco Ureña and Emilio de Justo.
All the festivities will start at 19: 00 hours.