Taurine Library of Sales

Bullfighting Library José María de Cossío


Bullfighting has always been a subject that has always attracted writers, and so many authors have supplied their works with motifs and elements taken from the bullfighting world. Books, magazines and all kinds of works in various formats such as posters, photographs, prints, etc. They are located in the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas. To the works belonging to the José María de Cossío Library of the Center for Bullfighting Affairs, we must add the funds from the Carriquiri Library, freely donated in deposit by D. Antonio Briones Díaz.

With the recent incorporation of the Carriquiri collection, the doors of the Las Ventas Bullfighting Library are reopened, remodeled for this purpose with new spaces that allow, in addition to housing these collections in the best conditions of conservation, to have a reading room so that scholars and researchers can consult the requested works.

The importance and volume of this specialized collection, which also houses works of great value due to their rarity, antiquity, originality or scarcity, make the bullfighting cathedral par excellence have a space that contains one of the most complete existing libraries on the world of bullfighting. bull, at the service of those who wish to delve into everything related to said Festival.