Land Plots 4.0 Website
The Community of Madrid works to help promoters and entrepreneurs and in general all those who have a project and want to invest in our region. To this end, a computer tool has been designed that allows consulting the location and characteristics of the plots, available for sale or concession, owned by the Community of Madrid and the adhered town councils of the region, by means of a visual selector.
Finding an answer to the needs of land is an object of the Regional Administration and it is our intention to collaborate in all initiatives that require land location this region could offer.
Provided Information
All the data are offered with the basic links to directly access information on the different participating managers and highlighting the available offer in very different areas of the region.
The information indicates the residential, tertiary, commercial or other type of use and the regime, whether for sale or for rent, concession or surface rights.
The viewer of the Land Portal shows plots for sale whose ownership corresponds to the patrimony of the Community of Madrid, its Autonomous Bodies, Public Law Entities and other Public Entities subject to public or private law, as well as to the participating Municipalities, which have provided your collaboration.
Invest in Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid boasts a growing economy and is an ideal destination for investment, to have a privileged location and a high quality external communications allowing multiple develop business in a highly competitive environment. These factors, if they bind to the quality of its infrastructure, utilities, commercial freedom and being one of the regions with the lowest tax burden, make Comunidad de Madrid constitutes one of the most attractive places to invest.
Here are links that contain information relating to the excellent conditions for investment in the region as well as the key investor information on economic indicators in Comunidad de Madrid.
Locate land plots
Consult the plots of interest and visualize the available information of each one of them, as main use, surface, buildable index, classification, regime, location, cadastral reference, management body or state of the urbanization.
Navigating on the map
In order to facilitate the search of land plots that match certain requirements, there are tool icons located in the upper right margin of the viewer. Consultations icon allows you to select plots both by geometry and by urban parameters, providing a table of results in different downloadable formats. Legend icon relates the color of each plot to its main or characteristic use, and allows identifying newly incorporated plots published in a period of less than 2 months. Layers icon allows you to activate or deactivate the different layers by superimposing the information provided. The layer "Plots of Land" allows the visualization of filtering data.
Once the plot of interest has been selected, a panel is displayed with the information available in the Land Portal (most relevant urban parameters, location and detail plans, images, etc.). If additional information is required, the contact details of the managing body of the plot are provided.
Optimized for Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.
Plots in Open Data
The data of the plots published in the locator of the Soil Portal are available in csv and json format.
Plots in tender
- Alienation of a plot for commercial use located in Sector 2 "Las Cárcavas" of the PGOU of the Villanueva de la Cañada City Council. Link to the Contracting Portal
- Procedure for the Alienation of 19 municipally owned plots located in the municipality of El Boalo (Cerceda), which are part of the Municipal Land Heritage. El Boalo City Council. Link to the Contracting Portal.
- Period of direct granting of a public concession to build and subsequent exploitation and maintenance of a Student Residence, at Avenida de la Transibilidad Española, 9. Alcobendas City Council. Link to the Contracting Portal.
- General Directorate of Land of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and the Interior
- Plan Madrid, Projects and Works, SA
- Agencia de Vivienda Social de la Comunidad de Madrid
- General Directorate of Assets and Contracts of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment
- Metro de Madrid, SA
- Consortia
- General Directorate of Housing and Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Infrastructures
- Canal de Isabel II, SA
- ajalvir
- Alcalá de Henares
- Alcobendas
- Alcorcón
- Aldea del Fresno
- Anchuelo
- Becerril de la Sierra
- Berzosa del Lozoya
- Boadilla del Monte
- Braojos de la Sierra
- Brea de Tajo
- Brunete
- Buitrago del Lozoya
- Bustarviejo
- Cabanillas de la Sierra
- Campo Real
- Casarrubuelos
- Cenicientos
- Cercedilla
- Chapinería
- Cobeña
- Collado Mediano
- Collado Villalba
- Colmenar Viejo
- Colmenarejo
- Corpa
- Cubas de la Sagra
- El Alamo
- El Atazar
- The Boalo
- El Escorial
- El Vellón
- Estremera
- Fresnedillas de la Oliva
- Fresno de Torote
- Fuenlabrada
- Fuentidueña de Tajo
- Galapagar
- Garganta de los Montes
- Gargantilla del Lozoya y Pinilla de Buitrago
- Gascones
- Getafe
- Griñón
- Guadalix de la Sierra
- Hoyo de Manzanares
- Humanes de Madrid
- La Cabrera
- La Serna del Monte
- Loeches
- Lozoya
- Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias
- Madrid
- Majadahonda
- Manzanares El Real
- Mejorada del Campo
- Miraflores de la Sierra
- Navalafuente
- Navalcarnero
- Navas del Rey
- Olmeda de las Fuentes
- Paracuellos de Jarama
- Parla
- Pelayos de la Presa
- Perales de Tajuña
- Pinilla del Valle
- Pozuelo de Alarcón
- Puentes Viejas
- Quijorna
- Redueña
- Rivas-Vaciamadrid
- Robledillo de la Jara
- Robregordo
- Sevilla la Nueva
- Somosierra
- Torrejón de Ardoz
- Torrelaguna
- Torremocha de Jarama
- Torres de la Alameda
- Tres Cantos
- Valdaracete
- Valdelaguna
- Valdemaqueda
- Valdemoro
- Valdeolmos-Alalpardo
- Valdepiélagos
- Valdetorres de Jarama
- Valdilecha
- Venturada
- Villaconejos
- Villa del Prado
- Villalbilla
- Villamantilla
- Villanueva de la Cañada
- Villanueva de Perales
- Villar del olmo
- Villarejo de Salvanés
- Zarzalejo
Interesting information
Comunidad de Madrid, through the General Department of Land owns shares in the following urban management joints:
- APR 10.01 "LA MEDINA", from Madrid.
- U.Z.P. 2.04 "LOS BERROCALES", Madrid.
- UE-124 "CENTRAL AREA", of Arganda del Rey.
- SUP-5 "LAS AMAPOLAS", from Colmenar Viejo.
- SUP-6 "ALTO EUGENIO", from Colmenar Viejo.
- UE-11 "PANRICO", Paracuellos del Jarama.
The Urban Development Consortiums are a management modality for the development of the urban activity in the Community of Madrid.
In the following link you can find information on the activity of the Urban Development Consortiums, with the participation of the Community of Madrid, which have available land integrated in the soil locator.
For suggestions or queries there are the following contact channels:
Important notice
Information regarding contests or auctions land, that could be available in this website does not constitute the Contractor Profile of Organ procurement requirements of Article 63 of Law 9/2017 of 8th November, on Public Sector (LCSP).
The information available in this website is merely advisory, not binding on the advertiser, since not confer any specific right to informed, especially in the back land call, or alter the rights and obligations that fall on the property under of planning legislation applicable at all times. The data available on this website shall not have effect against third parties or be used to enforce rights against the Community of Madrid and its Agencies. These data do not provide evidence of its contents. In the case of misinformation, contrary to the applicable management, will not be held liable.