
Commercial activity in Madrid


In the Community of Madrid, trade generates 12,2% of GDP, of which 6,1% corresponds to retail trade.

The commercial sector of the Community of Madrid is currently made up of 59.502 retail establishments and 34.416 wholesale establishments, as well as 11.880 vehicle sales and repair establishments. Specifically, the 59.502 retail commercial establishments employ 302.627 people, more than 8,9% of the region's employed population.

The number of companies in the commercial sector in the Community of Madrid is 79.476, of which 56% are retail, that is, 44.388.

Within the specialized trade, food is an essential sector in the Community of Madrid, highlighting the role played by the daily products trade grouped in Food Markets and Commercial Galleries.

In addition, dstakes the textile sector, whichIn 2023, it generated 2.176 million euros in the Community of Madrid, with 6.125 points of sale and 26.132 workers on that date. On average, Madrid residents spend around 377,21 euros per year in this sector.

In relation to franchising, the Community of Madrid is a leader in this segment. Of the 1.384 brands that currently make up the franchise system in Spain, 423 of them are located in the region. There are 30.678 stores, which have a turnover of 13.411,5 million euros and employ 148.218 people.


Non-sedentary sales or street sales have an important representation in the Community of Madrid. Our Region has 191 markets in 131 municipalities, of which 29 are located in the municipality of Madrid (among them, the emblematic “Rastro”) and the remaining 162 in another 130 municipalities. The 131 municipalities that have a market bring together a population of 6.601.718 inhabitants, which means that almost 98% of the total population of the Community of Madrid has a market in their municipality.

As for electronic commerce, this modality is fully established in the Community of Madrid. In this context, in the region more than 62% of the population has acquired, over the last three months, goods or services for private use through the Internet.


Commerce of Madrid in figures

Council for the Promotion of Trade of the Community of Madrid