Guide to sustainability criteria in the conservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage
Practical guide with measures of direct application
Sustainability in cultural heritage
The concept of sustainability has gained increasing importance and proof of this are the different initiatives that have been developed at an international, European and Spanish level in recent years. In this framework, it is necessary to refer to the Agenda 2030, approved in 2015 by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly with the support of 193 States.
The 2030 Agenda seeks to promote an economic development model that respects the environment and does not compromise the development of future generations. Likewise, it is worth mentioning the European Next Generation EU funds and their Facility for Recovery and Resilience (RRM), with which the European Union is responding to the economic and social damage caused by COVID-19. This mechanism places sustainability as a priority axis of the different actions to be carried out.
In the field of public cultural heritage policies, sustainability has also acquired a great role. On the one hand, it has become clear that on many occasions the cultural goods inherited from our ancestors respond to techniques and materials that are examples of sustainability. On the other hand, emphasis has been placed on the need to integrate sustainable criteria into current and future actions that pursue the conservation of cultural heritage.
The Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the value of Cultural Heritage for society, also known as Faro Convention, proposes a new paradigm of cultural heritage management in which people and human values occupy a central place and highlights the value and potential of cultural heritage as a lever for sustainable development, as an improvement in people's quality of life ; and defends the right of all to establish links with the cultural heritage of their choice, respecting the rights and freedoms of others.
Download the guide
La Guide to sustainability criteria in the conservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage facilitates criteria useful to the different protagonists in the matter, promotes actions of conservation and sustainable restoration, and, in short, aims to contribute to the development of the culture of sustainability in the field of cultural heritage.
ISBN: 978-84-451-3980-6
DL: M-9817-2022
digital edition
free distribution
The publication has been promoted by the General Subdirectorate for Historical Heritage of the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage and has been presented in the El Águila auditorium on April 18, on the occasion of Monuments and Sites Day.
Summary of content
To respond to the need to integrate sustainability into heritage, this Guide to sustainability criteria in the conservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage.
The publication has an eminently practical vocation, and includes direct application measures, differentiated for each of the agents involved in the process of restoration and maintenance of a property: promoter body of the Public Administration, drafters of projects, directors of works , construction companies, users and maintenance teams.
The guide identifies the stakeholders involved in three main phases: diagnosis, execution and use and maintenance. On the other hand, it identifies nine categories of sustainability, including biodiversity, mobility, risks, energy management, water management, materials, health and waste, drawing up a matrix assigning tasks to each of the agents, identifying responsibilities and assigning a time frame.
As a result of the previous analysis, a series of general sustainability recommendations applicable to all agents are proposed, others related to bidding for projects and works and, finally, others related to dissemination.