Regional Plan of Fortifications of the Civil War (1936-1939)
Study of the fortifications of the Civil War with keys to how we should approach this war heritage of the 20th century
This publication raises the approach that the Council of Culture and Tourism of the Community of Madrid and the Advisory Committee, created for the development of the Regional Plan of Fortifications of the Civil War (1936-1939), have adopted as a method of study and conservation of the war heritage built in the region.
The work is born as an instrument to help local technicians who have to preserve and realize that the remains of the Civil War, despite their closeness in time, are heritage traces of great value as understood by the legislator when he collected them in the Law 3 / 2013 of the Historical Heritage of the Community of Madrid.
This publication is the result of the intense work of a group of professionals, including technicians from the General Directorate, archaeologists, university professors or the CSIC, Royal Academies, interested town councils and members of civil society specialists in the field. thought and understood this contemporary warlike heritage in a novel way.
In just over 170 pages, divided into seven chapters, the philosophy of the Regional Plan of Fortifications of the Civil War (1936-1939) of the Community of Madrid, a unique approach for numerous reasons, due to the fact that, starting from the materiality of the fortification built and its landscape, it has been thought and has begun to conceive another way of approaching this cultural reality.
Summary of content
The legal framework of the vestiges of the Civil War
Eduardo Lillo Fernández
In it, the existing legislation on Civil War Heritage is exposed. In Law 3/2013 on Historical Heritage, the different administrations of the Community of Madrid are obliged to protect these assets by including them as a consubstantial part of our cultural heritage.
Historical introduction. The Civil War in Madrid
José Manuel de Arnaiz Seco and Francisco Javier Pastor Muñoz
Historical summary of the conflict and what it meant for the territory of the Community.
The Patrimony of the Civil War in the Community of Madrid
Isabel Baquedano Beltrán and Francisco Javier Pastor Muñoz
The philosophy of the Fortifications Plan, the known data and the archaeological research actions and enhancement of different enclaves of the Civil War are explained, both the musealization of spaces studied with archaeological methodology and the implementation in the territory of several interpretation centers .
Archeology of the fortifications of the Spanish Civil War
Alfredo González Ruibal
This chapter deals with the archeology of the Civil War and the safeguarding and dissemination of the remains built during the war through archeology and landscape as an ideal method of study.
Descriptive manual of military works of the Civil War in the Community of Madrid
Pablo Schnell Quiertant and José Manuel de Arnaiz Seco
Dictionary that collects the definitions and images of each structure: bunker, machine gun nest, shelter, trenches, etc. The objective is that technicians or interested persons, not specialists, can differentiate them at all times.
A particular look: the role of associations in raising awareness, safeguarding and disseminating the heritage of the Spanish Civil War
Ricardo Castellano Ruiz de la Torre
This chapter deals with the dissemination of this war heritage. In addition to exposing the actions carried out to date by this Directorate General in the disclosure of this type of patrimonial assets, the vision of the others involved is also included.
Interpretation and communication of the heritage of the Spanish Civil War. Tools and methodology to apply in the Community of Madrid
Óscar Navajas Corral and Julián González Fraile
The White Paper ends with a vision from civil society, to whom it is also addressed.
Where to find the book
The book of Regional Plan of Fortifications of the Civil War (1936-1939) of the Community of Madrid It can be purchased at the Institutional Bookstore of the Community of Madrid, where the general fund of the Community of Madrid is sold, or in the main shopping centers.
Institutional Bookstore of the Community of Madrid
Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid
Official Publications Service
C / Fortuny, 51. 28010 Madrid.
Tel: 91 702 76 21 - Fax: 91 319 50 55
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-451-3786-4
Price: 10€
What is the Regional Plan of Fortifications of the Civil War of the Community of Madrid
Complies 80 years of the Civil War, the Community of Madrid was proposed in 2016 to develop a plan that integrally raised the study and conservation of this heritage.
The reasons that led to the creation of this Plan, are first of all the inclusion of the fortifications of the Civil War as elements that are part of the Historical Heritage of the Community (Transitional Provision 1ª of the Law 3 / 2013 of the Historical Heritage of the Community from Madrid). Its insertion in the current legislative framework obliges public authorities to inventory and preserve these structures for future generations. Secondly, the huge amount of material remains of this period located that made it essential to implement a comprehensive plan for this vast heritage that helped to know and value it.
For the first time, in an integral way in an autonomous community, the importance of these fortifications and their environment is recognized, the emphasis is on the need to inventory and preserve them and also to bring them closer to citizens in a simple and didactic way starting from a series of archaeological routes and interpretation centers already planned by our territory that will help explain this warlike conflict from archeology.
The Plan is, therefore, a supramunicipal management tool with the objective of documenting, protecting and preserving the defensive architecture built during the Civil War. It is a fact that in the 21st century, the proposals for territorial management of greater interest will be based on a new binomial: nature (landscape) and culture (archeology) as parts of a single concept: Heritage.
This Fortification Plan allows the Government of the Community of Madrid, in addition to its management and conservation, to endow these patrimonial remains with compatible and respectful uses that rescue their lost values to make them known to society. One of its priority objectives is to revitalize local heritage; Having located remnants of the war in so many municipalities has allowed us to make a common cultural project that is beginning to be seen in a large part of the territory of the Region.
Our region has one of the best sets of fortifications of the Civil War of the entire peninsula. They stand out as much for their abundance as for their typological variety and in general for their good state of conservation. The Directorate General of Cultural Heritage is working to inventory, document and preserve these military structures. The Civil War Fortification Regional Plan (1936-1939) is an ambitious project that requires extensive documentation of these unique constructions in order to have a geospatial representation of the front line and the fortification systems of both contenders. The knowledge and georeferencing of this defensive architecture is the fundamental objective of the Plan, since it is basic in its integral patrimonial protection. The data today is overwhelming: 105 municipal districts with vestiges of the Civil War; 82 with defensive military structures; 12 with aerodromes. 450 documented military concrete structures; 1.450 of other materials and several hundred linear kilometers of documented trenches.