First, the application form electronically signed by the legal representative of the entity.
Attached to the application form, the following must be submitted:
- Power of representation of the person signing the application. For this purpose, an updated certification from the commercial register stating the power of representation must be provided if the signatory is part of the corporate body; otherwise, the notarial power of representation must be provided, which accredits the power of representation in force on the date of the application.
In the case of joint power of attorney, a document will be submitted proving that the proxies consent to the submission of the application, along with a copy of the DNI of all of them.
- Accreditation, in each case, in the established manner, of compliance with the deadlines provided for in Law 3/2004, of December 29, will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 13.3 bis of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
- To calculate the number of salaried staff, a certificate of the average number of employees for the calendar year prior to the publication of the call for applications, issued by Social Security, must be submitted. The number of employees will be those registered in the single contribution account (NIF) of the requesting company.
- Investment report, which must detail, at a minimum, the following data: General description of the investments made, together with a cost/benefit analysis, as well as the total eligible costs proposed in the application. Detail of each of the investments, indicating, where applicable, the type, model, serial number, cadastral reference, invoice number and description of the expense, company name and NIF of the supplier, billing and payment date, identification of the proof of payment, location, implementation dates, together with justification of the proposed investment for the grant and a brief description of the expected positive effects.
- Invoices justifying the eligible investments, issued against the beneficiary, that meet the requirements in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1619/2012, of November 30, which approves the Regulation that regulates billing obligations. .
All invoices must be paid in full. within the subsidy period. In the event that an advance payment is made for confirmation of the order, the corresponding entity must issue an individual invoice for said advance payment.
Likewise, the suppliers' offers containing the components, technical characteristics and unitary economic breakdown of all assets and works invoiced must be included in the file, if this information is not contained in the invoice itself. Likewise, the orders or delivery notes that are referenced in the supporting invoices must be included in the file for review.
- In the case of acquisition of real estate, notarial deed of purchase and sale, the corresponding certification from the property registry and the independent appraiser certificate, duly accredited and registered in the corresponding official registry.
- Bank statements as supporting documentation of the payments made, reflecting the material outflow of funds and which must include, in any case, the owner of the ordering account, date, invoice number for payment, as well as the identification of the person to whom said payments are directed, whether physical or legal, through their name and surname or company name and NIF.
If this information has not been recorded in the payment statement, or the payment has been made together with more invoices from the same supplier, the supplier must provide proof stating the invoices issued and the payments received for their settlement.
Payment of the invoices submitted must have been made through bank transfers.
- Census certificate of the Economic Activities Tax of the requesting entity, showing all the establishments and sections where the company is registered, to prove the payment of all IAE in the payment justification phase.
- The Administration of the Community of Madrid, through express authorization or non-opposition, recorded in the aid application form, as the case may be, will verify computerized whether the beneficiary entity is up to date with the payment of its tax obligations with the State Administration. as well as their obligations towards Social Security.
If there is opposition or the indicated telematic consultations are not expressly authorized by the interested party, they must provide the file with the corresponding certificates, general or for the purposes of subsidies, issued by the General Treasury of Social Security or the State Agency of the Tax Administration, as appropriate.
The verification of being up to date with payments to the Community of Madrid and the verification in the BDNS of the aid received under the de minimis regime will be carried out ex officio by the managing body, in accordance with article 29.5 of Law 9/1990, of November 8, regulating the Treasury of the Community of Madrid.
- Certificate of ownership of the bank account of the beneficiary entity for the subsidy payment process.
The beneficiary is responsible, for the correct processing of the subsidy payment, for registering and modifying their bank details in the Personal Data registry in the third-party database, available at the electronic headquarters of the Administration of the Community of Madrid (Personal data base of third parties | Madrid's community).
- Applicants must accept the corresponding declarations of responsibility, which appear on the application form.
In this sense, public administrations may require, at any time, that the documentation proving compliance with the aforementioned requirements be provided and the interested party must provide it.
The required documentation can be attached to the application at the time of submission. Likewise, documents may be provided during the processing of the file exclusively through digital processing services (option Colaborating) available on the web official of the Community of Madrid: Digital Administration. General Access Point.