Barceló Cinema. Madrid.

Architects of Madrid: Luis Gutiérrez Soto


Between the end of 1920 and the beginning of 1930, historicist architecture gives way to rationalism, a new style influenced by the avant-garde movements that spread across Europe: Art Deco, Bauhaus, Secessionism or Mendelsohn's Expressionism. Thus, the new neighborhoods of Madrid such as Ibiza or Argüelles adopted a series of common features: corner buildings, horizontal cut and naval influence, with running windows, flat terraces and tube rails. In Spain, the promotion of this movement is led by the group called the Group of Spanish Artists and Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture (GATEPAC), with members such as Sert, Torres Claver, García Mercadal, Aizpurúa and Labayen. Although far from it and with very personal nuances, the author of some of the most representative buildings of Madrid rationalism will be Luis Gutiérrez Soto.

See also