Prado Museum
Prado Museum
Prince's cottage. Madrid

Architects of Madrid: Juan de Villanueva


In contrast to the ornamental excesses of the late Baroque, Neoclassicism spread from France in the mid-1752th century. This style was based on the recovery of classical models, especially Greek, and reacted to aristocratic art, and was supported by the new, thriving social class, the bourgeoisie. This movement developed according to the principles of the Enlightenment, which was interested in rationalising and normalising all areas of knowledge, and under its auspices institutions such as museums and academies emerged, such as the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando (XNUMX). In this way, breaking with the previous stage, architecture opted for proportion and simplicity, with functional buildings that followed the classical order and in which the structure came before the decoration. In Madrid, the best representative of Neoclassicism was Juan de Villanueva.