Book:10/XX. Protected Contemporary Architecture in the Community of Madrid
10 architectural buildings of the XNUMXth century protected by the Community of Madrid
Contemporary architecture protected in the Community of Madrid
10 / XX. Contemporary architecture protected in the Community of Madrid aims to disseminate the relevant values of real estate, which have made them deserving of being especially protected and to make society aware of the cultural and architectural value of so many XNUMXth century buildings that make up our urban landscape.
The book collects the historical studies carried out for its declaration and is completed with historical photographs and with the plans of the projects, to completely transfer the original values of the buildings and the ideas behind their conception.
The architecture of the XNUMXth century is a type of heritage that is very sensitive to urban transformations, so its protection is a key tool for the Administration to preserve for future generations these paradigmatic examples of Spanish architecture.
They are buildings designed and built between the 20s and 70s, reflecting the social, economic and cultural evolution of the century. Thus we find educational infrastructures (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Complutense University of Madrid and the Gymnasium of the Colegio La Salle Maravillas), buildings related to the show (Teatro Albéniz) or multifunctional spaces (Edificio Capitol and the Palacio de la Prensa). Also religious buildings (Iglesia de San Agustín y el Convento, Teologado and Iglesia de San Pedro Mártir de los PP. Dominicos), buildings linked to economic activities (Banco de Bilbao and Avenida de Aragón Gas Station) and, finally , singular houses for residential use such as Lucio Muñoz's house.
It is, therefore, a compendium of 10 fundamental buildings to get to know the work of some of the key Spanish architects of the last century, understand the evolution of architecture, its value and, also, the evolution of the concept of heritage and the essential work of protection developed by the Community of Madrid.
We make a digital version of the publication available to you, as a free and free download through the Virtual Library of the Community of Madrid.