Photography workshops "A paradigm shift"
September 2023 - January 2024 in the Sala Alcalá 31 and Sala de Arte Joven
Photography has undergone profound technological and social changes in recent decades. The incorporation of digital cameras into consumer devices and the processes of information globalization in the Internet age have made photography, as a means of creation, now an almost universal form of expression. As photography has ceased to be a medium that is difficult to access, artistic production has increased by minorities that barely had visibility less than three decades ago. In this way, works of enormous contemporary importance have emerged, representing aesthetic values that had remained hidden until now.
"A Paradigm Shift" will be an exhibition focused on recent trends in photography, which question specific topics of interest and social significance and will be presented in February 2024 at the Arte Joven Hall. Parallel to and in advance of its inauguration, we have programmed a series of practical workshops that explore aspects of our culture, and challenge values and aesthetic forms in photography. The first sessions will take place on September 30, October 27 and November 24 and will be led by Marc Padró (Colectivo Estampa), Carmela García and Rubén H. Bermúdez, respectively. The visual results obtained in each workshop will be part of a specific space that will be called "Imagined Community" within the temporary exhibition.
- Free workshops
- It is essential to reserve a place through the digital bulletins available in each workshop (see registration deadlines in each one)
- Some workshops require photographic knowledge and/or installation of specific image processing programs. Please read the descriptions carefully.
Workshop "Migrant gaze: Photographic reflections on representation"
- He teaches: Caesar Dezfuli
- Date: Saturday January 20
- Schedule: from 17.00:20.00 p.m. to 3:XNUMX p.m. (XNUMX hours duration)
Location: Young Art Room (Avda. América, 13. Madrid)
- Aimed at: migrants or people of migrant descent over 18 years of age, whether national or cross-border migration, with an interest in photography or the visual arts. Those people who have ongoing projects linked to the visual narrative of migration will be positively valued.
*[Check the information on data protection]
In this workshop, taught by photographer César Dezfuli, issues around the visual representation of migrants and the power of photography to construct or deconstruct stereotypes will be addressed. The objective will be for students to acquire new narrative skills while reflecting on their own identity from a visual point of view.
It will be based on a theoretical base, focused on Dezfuli's experience documenting migratory contexts. And later, the workshop participants will be encouraged to create a work that is self-representative of their migrant identity or in collaboration with another of the people participating in the workshop. For this purpose, the photographs provided by each participant will be used, while others may be created in situ.
Important: Workshop attendees must be migrants or people of migrant descent over 18 years of age, whether national or cross-border migration, with an interest in photography or the visual arts. Those people who have ongoing projects linked to the visual narrative of migration will be positively valued.
Workshop “Diffuse Images. Rethinking the paradigms of image generation with artificial intelligence”
Activity finished
- He teaches: Marc Padró (Estampa Collective)
- Date: Saturday September 30
- Schedule: from 17.00:20.00 p.m. to 3:XNUMX p.m. (duration XNUMX hours)
- Location: Sala Alcalá 31 (c/Alcalá 31. 1st floor)
- Aimed at: artists, photographers, students and creative people with an interest in and knowledge of technology (over 18 years of age)
- It is essential to reserve in advance through the REGISTRATION FORM* (the period opens on Thursday, September 21 at 10.00:XNUMX a.m.)
*[Check the information on data protection]
We live in a time of popularization of recent imaging technologies through deep learning models (deep learning), a branch of artificial intelligence.
These are neural networks capable of generating images from the verbal description of their content, "trained" from large data collections consisting of images and the description corresponding to each of them. Through this process, deep learning models are able to establish statistical patterns that allow new images to be obtained.
In their most recent versions (Stable Diffusion and the like) what these networks "learn" is to gradually modify a noisy image so that it corresponds to the description provided. So, starting from an image that is just noise, we will end up generating a new image. Therefore, we are faced with a process that conceptualizes the image as something describable and devoid of noise.
This workshop aims to delve into the operation of these technologies while at the same time problematizing this notion of what the image is. For its development we will use an online platform ( that allows generating images with Stable Diffusion. After a theoretical introduction and an explanation of how it works, the participants will use the tool to dialogue with the problem raised and be able to reflect collectively.
Important: To attend the activity you must bring your own computer and have previously registered at
Workshop “Polyhedral Beings. Life process. Multiple identities and in constant transformation”
Activity finished
- He teaches: Carmela garcia
- Date: Friday October 27
- Schedule: from 17.00:20.00 p.m. to 3:XNUMX p.m. (duration XNUMX hours)
- Location: Sala Alcalá 31 (c/Alcalá 31. 1st floor)
- Aimed at: artists of all disciplines, photographers and people interested in creation and with a previous project related to and interested in the theme of the workshop (over 18 years of age).
- Prior reservation is essential through the REGISTRATION FORM* (the deadline opens on Thursday, October 5 at 10.00:16 a.m. and ends on Monday, October 12.00 at 19:10 p.m.). Starting October XNUMX, we will notify the XNUMX people selected to carry out the workshop.
*[Check the information on data protection]
This workshop presents the idea of identity as a cultural construction associated with the vital process of each individual and in constant transformation. We start from the idea that we are polyhedral beings and we claim the unique character of each person, avoiding any identity label of gender, race, nation... Identity is a crutch that reflects fears of personal freedom.
The workshop will delve into how photography has historically served to reflect on identity issues from its origins, studying some specific cases, and how, despite this, it has not been enough for it to be at the same time one of the tools, together with the cinema, which have helped the most to perpetuate the stereotypes that negatively condition our life experience.
The session is practical. It is intended that the students can develop new interpretations of their work, obtaining results that will later be part of the exhibition "A Paradigm Change".
Important: The attendees of the workshop will be previously selected by Carmela García, so it will be necessary to register in advance and send a project that reflects on the issues raised and a CV. The 10 selected people will be notified in advance to attend the workshop and a waiting list will be set up in case of cancellations.
Workshop Copy and error!
Activity finished
He teaches: Ruben H. Bermudez
Date: Friday November 24
Schedule: from 17.00:20.00 p.m. to 3:XNUMX p.m. (duration XNUMX hours)
Location: Sala Alcalá 31 (c/Alcalá 31. 1st floor)
Aimed at: Young people and adolescents, between 15 and 30 years old, interested in creating
You do not need to bring any specific material or previous knowledge of photography
It is essential to reserve in advance through the REGISTRATION FORM* (the period opens on Thursday, November 16 at 10.00:XNUMX a.m.)
*[Check the information on data protection]
"Copy and error!" is a workshop on creativity to give tools to manage a personal project and thus be able to tell our own stories.
Some theory and a lot of practice. We will look at photography, music, literature, cinema or television. We will copy shamelessly and long live the error!
This workshop is an inclusive activity that aims to generate enthusiasm, passion and curiosity for creation.
Workshop "Imagined insects"
Activity finished
He teaches: Toya Legido García
Date: Saturday December 16
Schedule: from 11.00:14.00 p.m. to 3:XNUMX p.m. (duration XNUMX hours)
Location: Young Art Room (Avda. América, 13. Madrid)
Aimed at: girls and boys from 9 to 13 years old
Prior reservation is essential through the REGISTRATION FORM
*[Check the information on data protection]
In this children's workshop, teacher and photographer Toya Legido García proposes that we make an entomological collection made up of imagined insects created from plant materials.
To attend, it is essential that participating minors bring a camera (a mobile device works) and that a responsible adult authorizes us to take photographs of the activity.