Aid for Innovation Hubs (tractor effect projects)
Open innovation business hubs. Aid to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D&i by supporting technological innovation projects with a tractor effect developed by open innovation centers in the Community of Madrid
Call 2024
- Litigation, Arbitration. ORDER 5971/2024, of December 27, of the Minister of Education, Science and Universities, which resolves the call for the year 2024.
Announcement. Call for Grants to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D+i through consortium-based projects (2024) has been published. The application period is open from 10/09/2024 to 30/09/2024.
Access to information and processing (digital administration)
Call 2023
- Litigation, ArbitrationOrder 5058/2023, of the Minister of Education, Science and Universities, which resolves the call for the year 2023:
- Extraordinary. Call for Grants to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D+i through consortium-based projects (2023) has been published. The application period is open from 28/08/2023 to 15/09/2023.
Access to information and processing (digital administration)