European Funds in the Region of Madrid
The General Sub-Directorate for European Funds and Regional Policy coordinates the programs co-financed by the European Structural Investment Funds (EIE), for which the General Directorate for Budgets has been appointed intermediate body. Based on this, it is in charge of coordinating the actions carried out by the different organizations of the Autonomous Community in the field of the operational programs of the EIE Funds of the Community of Madrid, which are financed through the Frameworks Multiannual Financial Statements of the European Union.
Programming Period 2021-2027
The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is the long-term budget of the European Union, through which the priorities established by the EU will be reinforced, promoting the green and digital transition of the regions and Member States, the creation of employment and the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the MFF corresponding to the period 2021-2027 was adopted for a global amount of 1,8 trillion euros, through the approval of the Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 2020/2093, of the Council, of December 17, 2020.
The section on Cohesion, resilience and values constitutes the main investment instrument of the EU to promote social, economic and territorial cohesion between the Member States, with the aim of reducing existing disparities. In this sense, through these instruments, it is intended to support job creation, business competitiveness, sustainable development, care for the most disadvantaged and the improvement of the quality of life of EU citizens.
All the aforementioned actions will be carried out through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), which are regulated by the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 24, 2021, regarding the common provisions for five of the European Union funds, whose five Political Objectives are the following:
- A more competitive and intelligent Europe;
- A greener Europe;
- A more connected Europe;
- A more social and inclusive Europe;
- A Europe closer to its citizens.
This consolidated version includes, among others, the modifications provided for by the Regulation (EU) 2024/795 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 29 February 2024, establishing the Strategic Technologies Platform for Europe (STEP)
Finally, it is worth noting the approval, on November 18, 2022, by the European Commission, of the Spain Association Agreement 2021-2027 for the reception of 36.682 million euros from the FEDER, ESF+, FEMPA and FTJ funds. This is the strategic document that includes the basic approach and investment priorities of the aforementioned funds.
European Social Fund Plus 2021-2027
In the distribution of the MFP 2021-2027 funds, the Community of Madrid has benefited from a total amount of 1.476 million euros, of which 892 million euros will be managed directly at the regional level, of which 409 million euros correspond to the ESF+ 2021-2027 Program (PFSE+ 21/27).
The PFSE+ 21/27, approved by Execution Decision of the Commission, of December 9, 2022, is the strategic document that defines the planning of the region to support the different objectives pursued by the ESF+ 21/27 and that has been prepared according to what is established in the Regulation (EU) 2021/1057, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of June 24, of the ESF+. Its total cost amounts to 1.022 million euros, 409 of which will be co-financed by ESF+ funds.
To this end, a set of challenges have been identified to which the PFSE+ 21/27 of the Community of Madrid must respond:
- Combat unemployment, particularly youth and long-term unemployment, improving access to employment, and reinforcing social integration measures for vulnerable youth;
- Address the improvement of the quality of education and training, promoting vocational training as a professional path of quality and high qualifications, also through learning in the workplace with the strengthening of cooperation between the educational and business sectors.
- Promote active inclusion, the social integration of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including minors, as well as their equal and adequate access to quality services and social protection.
European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027
In the distribution of the MFP 2021-2027 funds, the Community of Madrid has benefited from a total amount of 1.476 million euros, of which 892 million euros will be managed directly at the regional level, of which 483 million euros correspond to the FEDER Program 2021-2027.
The FEDER 21/27 Program, approved by Execution Decision of the Commission, of December 7, 2022, is the strategic document that defines the planning of the region to support the different objectives pursued by the FEDER 21/27 and that has been prepared as established in the Regulation (EU) 2021/1058, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of June 24, of the FEDER. Its total cost amounts to 1.208 million euros, of which 483 million euros will be co-financed by ERDF funds.
To this end, a set of challenges have been identified to which the FEDER 21/27 Program of the Community of Madrid must respond:
- Promote a more digital and competitive economy in the region, through the development of digitization in key sectors and the promotion of competitiveness and innovation in the business fabric.
- Promote a greener Madrid, through the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energies, the improvement and increase of resilience in water management and the promotion of biodiversity and green infrastructures.
- Promote greater urban mobility, promoting the transition towards an economy with net zero carbon emissions.
- improve training through actions in the Network of Employment Training Centers.
Visibility, Transparency and Communication 2021-2027
The General Directorate of Budgets, in its capacity as Intermediate Coordinating Body of the FEDER and ESF+ 2021-2027 Programs of the Community of Madrid, aware that the recognition of the support of the European Union, as well as that the favorable impact of the actions co-financed by the Programs supported with ESF+ and FEDER Funds will depend to a large extent on the quality of the information and the effectiveness of communication, it has adopted the regulatory measures in terms of visibility, transparency and communication.
The Monitoring Committee of the ESF+ 2021-2027 Program was established on March 13, 2023. After the meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, as well as the European Commission and the Management Authority, visited the Arganzuela Occupational Rehabilitation Center, co-financed with FSE+ 2021-2027 funds and whose objective is to carry out programs that promote the socio-occupational integration of people with serious and long-lasting mental illness.
On March 18, 2024, a meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ERDF 2021-2027 Program of the Community of Madrid took place. After the meeting, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment, Rocío Albert, the Minister of Education, Science and Universities, Emilio Viciana, the general secretary of European Funds of the Ministry of Finance, Mercedes Caballero, as well as representatives of the European Commission and the Management Authority, visited the Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies (IMDEA) Nanoscience, located at the Autonomous University of Madrid. During the visit, it was highlighted that the Community of Madrid will exceed 100% execution of the projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the period 2014/2020, exceeding 1.000 million euros. In addition, the research projects that have been developed at the Cantoblanco International Campus linked to the fight against COVID-19 were announced, thanks to the 2,4 million euros from the React-EU line. Thus, initiatives have been able to materialize such as the development of simple and ultra-precise methods capable of detecting and quantifying the presence of the virus in clinical samples without having to use the usual technique.
Finally, the Ministry highlighted that the investment for the 2021/27 period through this same tool amounts to 1.208 million, which will allow for works as important as the extension of Metro line 5 to the airport or aid for digitalization for young companies. innovative, among others.
Managing Bodies of the ESF+ Program 2021-2027
Department of Family, Youth and Social Affairs
Ministry of Education, Science and Universities
Regional Department of Economy, Taxation and Employment
Management Organizations of the ERDF Program 2021-2027
Ministry of Education, Science and Universities
Digitization Department
Regional Department of Economy, Taxation and Employment
Ministry of Health
Department of Housing, Transport and Infrastructure.
Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Interior
Interesting information
General Directorate of Budgets
General Subdirectorate of European Funds and Regional Policy.
European Social Fund Division.
Area of the European Regional Development Fund.
European Funds Control Division.
Address: Calle de Luchana, 23.
Postal code: 28010-Madrid.
Institutional links 2021-2027
European Social Fund 2014-2020
The ESF 2014-2020 operational program is the strategic document that defines the planning of the Community of Madrid to achieve the objectives of the European Strategy 2020 through the European Social Fund and where its lines of action for the aforementioned period are defined.
To this end, a series of challenges have been identified to which the aforementioned operational program responds effectively:
Strengthen the social fabric to prevent the increase in poverty, promoting the employability and social inclusion of the most disadvantaged people and promoting equal opportunities for all people.
Invest in human capital, promoting regulated professional training that allows full integration into the world of work and improving the training of research staff.
Raise employment levels and their quality, increasing the employability of unemployed people, promoting self-employment and business creation, and reducing gender gaps in the labor market.
Its main objective is to strengthen the visibility, among the beneficiaries and citizens, of the role of the European Union in the operational programme, as well as transmit to the people of Madrid and, specifically, to the direct target groups of the operational programme, a homogeneous and coherent about the intervention of the ESF, emphasizing the dissemination of co-financed good practices as the backbone of the strategy.
Best Practices
Good practices are those actions, methodologies and tools implemented in the field of employment, social inclusion, equal opportunities and training and, in general, within the management of the operational programs of the European Social Fund, which have demonstrated its ability to introduce transformations with positive results.
Public bodies that receive funds from the ERDF 2014-2020 operational program must present at least one good practice per year.
European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020
The ERDF operational program of the Community of Madrid 2014-2020 is the strategic document that defines the planning of the Community of Madrid to achieve the objectives of the European Strategy 2020 through the European Regional Development Fund and where its lines are defined of action for the cited period.
To this end, a series of challenges have been identified to which the operational program responds effectively: strengthening the productive framework through greater internationalization of its economy; greater penetration and use of information and communication technologies that allow the full consolidation of the knowledge society; improvement of competitiveness and business financing, so that SMEs in the region are able to recover the levels of activity and employment prior to the economic crisis; and decisive action that consolidates progress towards a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth model.
Its main objective is to strengthen the visibility, among the beneficiaries and citizens, of the role of the European Union in the operational programme, as well as to convey to the people of Madrid and, specifically, to the direct target groups of the operational programme, a homogeneous and coherent about the intervention of the ERDF, emphasizing the dissemination of co-financed good practices as the backbone of the strategy.
Access the single portal of the ERDF 2014-2020 Operational Program:
Management Bodies of the Action Lines PO ESF and Youth Employment
Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Affairs.
Ministry of Education, Science and Universities.
Regional Department of Economy, Taxation and Employment
Youth Employment Operational Program
The ESF National Operational Program for Youth Employment was formally approved by the European Commission on December 12, 2014.
The aid of the Youth Employment Initiative corresponds to the commitment that the European Commission acquired in March 2013, with the presentation of its proposal for regulations to apply this Initiative, mainly aimed at promoting actions to support the implementation of Youth Guarantee systems ( Council Recommendation on the establishment of the Youth Guarantee (COM(2012) 0729)), subject to political agreement in the Council on February 28, 2013, and whose objective is to guarantee that all young people over 16 years of age and under 25 (or under 30, in the case of young people with disabilities) who are neither working, studying nor undergoing training receive an offer of quality employment, further education, apprenticeship or traineeship within four months after finishing formal education or becoming unemployed.
This national operational program has been articulated through the participation, on the one hand, of all the autonomous communities and, on the other, of the bodies from the General State Administration, as well as other public or private entities (or both) of the state.