Enabling companies and professionals related to fluorinated gases
Certifications, authorizations and authorization of training centers
Here you can find information on the certifications, authorizations and authorizations provided in the Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 of February, which regulates the marketing and handling of fluorinated gases and equipment based on them, as well as the certification of the professionals who use them and who establish the technical requirements for facilities that develop activities that emit fluorinated gases.
This Royal Decree establishes that:
- Those professionals who carry out certain activities related to the handling of fluorinated gases must have a personal certificate to be able to do so.
- Those companies that carry out certain activities related to the handling of fluorinated gases must have a company certificate to be able to do so.
- Those companies that distribute fluorinated gases can only supply said gases to those companies that comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 115/2017, of February 17.
- Those companies that distribute halons must have prior authorization to do so.
In the Community of Madrid, the competent body to issue these personal certificates, company certificates and authorizations to distribute halons is the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion, which is also competent to authorize those centers that teach the courses that are necessary for obtain some of the personal certificates that have been mentioned above when it is not from centers authorized by the educational or labor administration.
For this, the DG of Industry, Energy and Mines approved the following instructions that establish the general application criteria.
Personal certificates
Procedure for obtaining personal certificates
To obtain personal certificates in each of the sectors listed below, interested parties must submit the following documents to the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion:
- Application form according to the model that can be found in the call to action that appears below and that is called Qualification of professionals to handle fluorinated gases.
- Copy of the receipt proving that the corresponding fees have been paid.
- Copy of the documentation that proves compliance with the conditions indicated in Annex I of Royal Decree 115/2017, of February 17.
In the following link you can perform the telematic processing, access to the Self-Assessment of Rate and find the application form.
In compliance with the provisions of the fourth section of Article 2 of the Order TEC / 544 / 2019, of 25 of April, which constitutes and regulates the unified registration on certificates and centers of formation of fluorinated gases, the interested party is INFORMED that, in case of obtaining the requested personal certificate, your essential personal data may be consulted by any citizen in the Unified Registry and fluorinated gas training centers, regulated in the first section of Article 7 of Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 February, which regulates the marketing and handling of fluorinated gases and equipment based on them, as well as the certification of the professionals who use them and laying down the technical requirements for facilities that develop activities that emit gases fluoridated
- Obtaining certificates from professionals who carry out fluorinated gas handling activities and equipment based on them listed in article 3 of Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 in February.
Company certificates
Procedure for obtaining the company certificate
To obtain the company certifications listed below, those interested must present the following documents to the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion:
- Application / declaration form according to the model that can be downloaded in the call to action that appears below and is called Enabling companies to act on equipment or systems containing fluorinated gases.
- Copy of the receipt proving that the corresponding fees have been paid.
In the following link you can perform the telematic processing, access to the Self-Assessment of Rate and find the application forms.
In compliance with the provisions of the fourth section of Article 2 of the Order TEC / 544 / 2019, of 25 of April, which constitutes and regulates the unified registration on certificates and centers of formation of fluorinated gases, those interested are INFORMED that are natural persons who, in case of obtaining the certificate of authorized company, their essential personal data may be consulted by any citizen in the Unified Registry on certificates and centers of formation of fluorinated gases regulated in the first section of Article 7 of the Real Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 of February, which regulates the marketing and handling of fluorinated gases and equipment based on them, as well as the certification of the professionals who use them and laying down the technical requirements for facilities that develop activities that emit fluorinated gases.
Requirements that companies must meet
To obtain any of the business certifications listed below, businesses must meet the following:
- Employ personnel in possession of the personal certificate provided for in Royal Decree 115/2017 of February 17 or issued by any other country of the European Union, for activities that require certification and in sufficient number to cover the planned volume of activities; Y
- Demonstrate that personnel dedicated to activities that require certification can have access to the necessary instruments and procedures.
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2067 OF THE COMMISSION of November 17, 2015, establishes, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 517 / 2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the minimum requirements and conditions for mutual recognition of the certification of natural persons with regard to fixed refrigeration appliances, stationary air-conditioning units and fixed heat pumps, refrigeration units for refrigerated trucks and trailers, containing fluorinated greenhouse gases, and Certification of companies with regard to fixed refrigeration appliances, fixed air conditioners and fixed heat pumps containing fluorinated greenhouse gases
Regulation (EC) No. 304 / 2008 of the European Commission establishes the obligation that companies that carry out installation, maintenance or revision activities fire protection systems containing fluorinated greenhouse gases must obtain a business certificate to be able to develop its activity
Royal Decree 115/2017, of February 17, provides that companies that manufacture or recharge halon-based fire extinguishing equipment are specifically authorized to operate with said gas by the autonomous community under the minimum criteria of establishing an authorized, registered company in the registry of installation-maintenance companies of fire protection systems derived from the Regulation of fire protection facilities approved by Royal Decree 1942/1993, of November 5, which has qualified personnel and in possession of the certificate of annex I. 4
And that only these companies can carry out the operations of production or repair of the containers or components that contain, or have been designed to contain said extinguishing agent, including the loading and recovery of the gas.
- Enabling companies that carry out installation, maintenance or revision activities of fixed refrigeration equipment, air conditioning, heat pumps and fire protection systems containing fluorinated greenhouse gases and companies that manufacture or refuel fire extinguishing equipment based on halons
Authorization of halon distributors
Procedure for obtaining authorization for halon distributors
To obtain authorization to distribute halons, interested parties must submit the following documents to the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion:
- Application / declaration form according to the model that can be downloaded from the download button.
- Copy of the receipt proving that the corresponding fees have been paid.
Regulatory compliance
Authorization of Training Centers
Regulatory compliance
Article 8 of Royal Decree 115/2017 of February 17, establishes that the training programs specified in Annex II may be taught and evaluated by the training centers listed below that have been authorized by the competent administration that corresponds in each case, to impart training related to the matters that are regulated in this royal decree. The centers must carry out a notification to the aforementioned competent authority two months before the start of each course in which they specify the training programs to be taken at their center:
Centers authorized by the DG of Industry, Energy and Mines / DG of Economic and Industrial Promotion.
The training programs in Annex II may be taught and evaluated by centers authorized by the competent administration, which in the case of the Community of Madrid is the DG for Economic and Industrial Promotion, after checking the availability of the teaching staff and the technical means and adequate materials, as well as the notification and record keeping procedures that ensure the documentation of the individual and global results of the evaluation of the training programs taught.
Below you can download the updated list of training centers authorized by the DG of Industry, Energy and Mines / DG of Economic and Industrial Promotion.
Centers authorized by other bodies other than the DG of Industry, Energy and Mines / DG of Economic and Industrial Promotion.
The centers dependent on the competent administrations in matters of professional training for employment and public entities or companies that are accredited and / or registered to provide the training leading to obtaining the professional certificates listed in Annex I.
They can consult the accredited and / or registered centers to provide professional training leading to the obtaining of the certificates of professionalism listed in Annex I of Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 of February, clicking on the following link and entering the specialty code that appears in the attached table:
Course |
Specialty code |
Complementary course on manipulation of equipment with refrigeration systems of any load of fluorinated refrigerants |
IMAR04 |
Basic course on manipulation of equipment with refrigeration systems of any load of fluorinated refrigerants |
IMAR05 |
Complementary course on the handling of equipment with refrigeration systems of less than 3 kg load of fluorinated refrigerants. |
IMAR06 |
Assembly and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation-extraction facilities |
IMAR0208 |
Assembly and maintenance of refrigeration installations |
IMAR0108 |
Course on handling of refrigeration systems that use fluorinated refrigerants for thermal comfort of people installed in vehicles |
TMVG01 |
Private training centers and entities, accredited and / or registered in the corresponding registry to provide professional training leading to the obtaining of the professionalism certificates listed in Annex I.
They can consult the accredited and / or registered centers to provide professional training leading to the obtaining of the certificates of professionalism listed in Annex I of Royal Decree 115 / 2017, of 17 of February, clicking on the following link and entering the specialty code that appears in the attached table:
Course |
Specialty code |
Complementary course on manipulation of equipment with refrigeration systems of any load of fluorinated refrigerants |
IMAR04 |
Basic course on manipulation of equipment with refrigeration systems of any load of fluorinated refrigerants |
IMAR05 |
Complementary course on the handling of equipment with refrigeration systems with a load of less than 3 kg of fluorinated refrigerants |
IMAR06 |
Assembly and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation-extraction facilities |
IMAR0208 |
Assembly and maintenance of refrigeration installations |
IMAR0108 |
Course on handling of refrigeration systems that use fluorinated refrigerants for thermal comfort of people installed in vehicles |
TMVG01 |
Education centers authorized by the education administration to teach the training cycles leading to obtaining the professional training qualifications listed in Annex I.