Books of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage 12
Books of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage 01

Cultural Heritage Publications

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More contents of the topic Cultural Heritage Publications

Book of the Fortification Plan of the Civil War in the Community of Madrid

Study of the fortifications of the Civil War with keys to how we should approach this war heritage of the 20th century

Phiale or circular vessel

Ten years of archaeological research

REGION Carla Oset

Practical guide for the conservation and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage

Image of the cover of the book The Visigothic Church of La Cabilda

Publication that offers the results of the archaeological work at the La Cabilda site

Detail image of the El Águila building

First survey that analyzes in a monographic way the perception of cultural heritage in the specific area of ​​the Community of Madrid, becoming a useful tool for the management ...

Weaving past

First women who dedicated their professional lives to the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage

Maravillas College Gym

10 architectural buildings of the XNUMXth century protected by the Community of Madrid