Protected Heritage 2024
Learn about the Assets of Cultural Interest and the Assets of Heritage Interest declared in the Community of Madrid in 2024
The Annunciation. Claudio Coello
Paint La Annunciation by Claudio Coello, corresponds to a sketch carried out for one of the most important oil paintings made in Madrid, the Annunciation with the prophets and sibyls who predicted the arrival of the Messiah, from the Benedictine Monastery of the Incarnation of San Plácido. The large paintings ofl Altars like this one were very popular in the Madrid Baroque period. In this work, the author demonstrates his extraordinary mastery of scale, space, composition, perspective and colour.
Its importance lies not only in being the prototype for a final painting, but also in the fact that it projects the painting with the architectural structure to accommodate the canvas. It is an example of the artist's mastery in displaying a multitude of figures with theatricality, giving rise to a luminous stage design with an exceptional sense of colour.
For all these reasons, it was declared a Site of Cultural Interest in January 2024.
The Virgin of the Hat. Luis de Morales
Paint Virgin of the hat It brings together qualitative and iconographic values that are determining characteristics of the production of Louis de Morales, one of the most important painters in the history of Spanish art.
Dated around 1567, it depicts the Virgin wearing a wide-brimmed green hat, similar to the popular hat worn in the Netherlands, which used to be part of the attire of female pilgrims.
The painting combines Italian and Flemish influences characteristic of the work of its author, highlighting in particular the delicacy with which the faces of the Virgin and the Child are represented, the technical expertise with which the transparencies of the ribbons of the hat are defined and the precision in the drawing of the fly perched on the sleeve of the Virgin. The work, recently restored, has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in January 2024.
University City Thermal Power Plant
La University City Thermal Power Plant It was built in the 30s to house the facilities responsible for supplying heating to the various buildings in the University City. It represented a major industrial advance as a pioneering example of the use of the central heating system, following North American models.
The building is one of the most significant examples of rationalist and avant-garde architecture prior to the Civil War, winning the National Architecture Award. Declared a Site of Cultural Interest in the Industrial Site category in January 2024.
Set of three sculptural elements. Felipe Bigarny
El set of three sculptural elements, work of Felipe Bigarny and his workshop, is composed of two figures of putty (winged children) and an ashlar with decorative reliefs that were part of the tomb of Don Diego de Avellaneda and Doña Isabel de Proaño.
The figures, dated between 1536 and 1543, are made of alabaster and show careful technical work, which is reflected in the delicate treatment of the polished surfaces and the detail of the carving of the hair and the folds of the clothing worn by the figures. . The incorporation of elements of Renaissance aesthetics also stands out, such as the idealization of types, monumentality or purity of lines.
This set of movable assets has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in January 2024.
Flamenco in Madrid
El Flamenco It has its roots in oral traditions and expressions, social uses and festive events that place it as an intangible asset of undoubted value and documented historical roots in the Community of Madrid, which has led to its declaration as an Asset of Cultural Interest in January 2024.
Montano Building
El Montano building and the old piano factory attached to it form a complex of special historical and artistic significance. Of particular note is the mural decoration in its music room, by the brothers Daniel and Germán Zuloaga, which maintains an entire decorative programme alluding to music.
It was used for recitals by prominent performers, becoming one of the most important audition halls of the time, a privileged stage for Madrid's musical history and the only audition hall that remains of the many that existed in Madrid between the last decades of the 2024th century and the first decades of the XNUMXth century. For this reason, it was declared a Heritage Site of Interest in January XNUMX.
El Rebollar Site in El Boalo
Located southwest of the town of El Boalo, at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama, The Rebollar It is one of the few vestiges of the Visigothic period in the Madrid region. Its presence as a centre of worship in its place of origin from the 7th to the 18th century has been preserved in excellent condition to this day.
For this reason, it has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in the category of Archaeological Zone in April 2024.
Buitrago de Lozoya satellite communications station
Built in 1967, the communications station of Buitrago de Lozoya played a fundamental role in the history of science and technology of the 20th century, in NASA's Apollo missions.
The building was the result of a collaboration between architects Julio Cano Lasso (1920-1996) and Juan Antonio Ridruejo Brieva (1935-202) and remained operational as a satellite centre until 2003. The history of this building and its importance in aerospace research at the time have led to its declaration as a Site of Cultural Interest in the category of scientific site in April 2024.
Falconry in Madrid
Falconry It is a hunting activity that preserves ancestral values, being, in addition to a social tradition, a recreational activity that has been passed down from generation to generation. With its own vocabulary and specific equipment whose production is eminently artisanal, it favors the survival of an ancient trade.
Its practice contributes to the dissemination and maintenance of traditional culture and associations linked to falconry. It is, therefore, an example of living traditions in the Community of Madrid and has been declared an Intangible Cultural Asset of Interest in May 2024.
La Poza Hydraulic Complex in Pozuelo de Alarcón
El Poza hydraulic assemblyIt is made up of a water trip, a fountain called La Poza or Cuatro Caños and a wash house, located in the town of Pozuelo de Alarcón.
The archaeological values of the complex are combined with its identity value and expression of the collective memory of all the citizens of Pozuelo de Alarcón, as it constitutes a communal space where the inhabitants of the municipality came to fetch water and used it as a social gathering place. It was declared a Heritage Site of Interest in the category of Archaeological Zone in May 2024.
Guillermo de Moncada, Baron of Cerbeillo. Jan van Kessel the Elder and Willem van Herp
Paint William of Moncada. Baron of Cerbeillo, a work by Jan van Kessel the Elder and Willem van Herp, It represents the chivalrous and sentimental image that a medieval hero was intended to show in the 17th century.
It is part of a historical set of 20 canvases that narrate the exploits of two Sicilian nobles of Spanish origin and historical episodes linked to the Crown of Aragon. Luis Guillermo de Moncada Aragón commissioned several authors to create the images that make up the series in order to recreate the exploits of his ancestors and thus establish a parallel with other legendary heroes, emerging from literature or mythology.
The border painted by Jan van Kessel, full of colour and nuances, as well as being meticulous, detailed and full of symbolism, enriches Van Herp's painting, characteristic of the complex visual world of the Baroque. Also noteworthy is the chromatic harmony based on different tones and the balanced execution and distribution of all the characters. For these reasons, it has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in July 2024.
Guillermo Moncada visiting the Queen of Aragon. Jan Van Kessel the Elder and Luigi Primo Gentile
La painting Guillermo Raymundo de Moncada visiting the Queen of Aragon, Made between 1663 and 1664 and signed jointly by Jan Van Kessel the Elder and Luigi Primo Gentile, was part of a historical group of twenty canvases that narrate the exploits of two Sicilian nobles of Spanish origin with historical episodes linked to the Crown of Aragon. Written documents of its meaning, purpose and functionality are preserved.
The artistic quality is visible in its composition: the delicacy of the strokes, the use of light to highlight the main scene, as well as the detail and naturalism of the border created by Van Kessel. In addition, it is in an excellent state of conservation. For this reason, it is a work of great historical and artistic interest that has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in July 2024.
Parish church of San Salvador in Leganés
La parish church of san salvador It is a notable example of 1660th and XNUMXth century Madrid architecture. The chancel, begun in the second quarter of the XNUMXth century on a small church that was probably Mudejar, follows the late Gothic model characteristic of the period, while the nave and the body of the church, begun around XNUMX, are framed in the classicist mannerism, very present in Madrid architecture in the first half of the XNUMXth century.
It has a set of twelve altarpieces, among which those by the Madrid architect and altarpiece maker José Benito de Churriguera stand out. Its historical and artistic relevance has led to its declaration as a Site of Cultural Interest in the Monument category in August 2024.
Reliquary of the Monastery of the Holy Sacrament in Boadilla del Monte
El reliquary of the Monastery of the Holy Sacrament in Boadilla del Monte, is one of the few examples of reliquaries located in a room specially designed to display the remains of saints. A collection of great artistic quality both in the gilded wooden masonry that covers its walls and in the mannerist painting on the ceiling, which some authors attribute to Juan Gómez de Mora.
It houses a total of 259 relics and objects of various types from 2024th-century Italian workshops and those in Madrid near the Court, including furniture of exceptional interest such as the oratory cabinet or the altarpiece cabinet of the main altar. For this reason, it has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest in November XNUMX.