Monastery Santa María la Real
Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias
Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias
Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias
Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias

Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias


The Monastery of Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias in Pelayos de la Presa is the most important monastic foundation of the Cistercian Order preserved in the Community of Madrid.

The current monastic complex is the result of numerous works and transformations that have taken place over time, from its foundation in the 1743th to the 1836th century. The decline of the monastery began in the last century due to various causes, such as the reduction of the community of monks and the major fire that occurred in 1884 that affected numerous dependencies. Already in the 1974th century, it suffered the looting of the Napoleonic troops and later, from 2004, the consequences of the confiscation policies, with the consequent loss of property and the deterioration of the building. In XNUMX it was auctioned by the State, succeeding, from then on, by different owners until it was acquired in XNUMX by the architect Don Mariano García Benito, who began the work of recovery and restoration. In XNUMX it was donated by its owner to the municipality of Pelayos de la Presa, managed by the Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias Monastery Foundation. From this moment, the Community of Madrid, aware of the historical and artistic value of this monument, declared Historic Artistic Monument in 1967 and subsequently endorsed by RD of November 23, 1983 as National Artistic Historical Monument, began the process of recovery of the monastery.