Mission Region: A historic photographic mission
179 municipalities, 17 female photographers and 16 male photographers
Mission Region
Mission Region
Documentary video, 16 minutes
John Rays
Region Mission: a unique project on the value of landscape as heritage
During the first half of 2022, 17 female photographers and 16 male photographers, toured the Community of Madrid with the aim of generating a large archive of photographs of the Madrid landscape from the patrimonial point of view.
199 areas of the region's territory were defined: 178 municipalities and 21 districts of the city of Madrid, to guarantee an image as accurate as possible of the diverse landscape of Madrid. Each photographer would take care of six locations, each of the areas being represented equally, by 10 snapshots, forming a 1990 photo background images that have become part of the Regional Archive of the Community of Madrid, thus enriching the heritage of the region at the service of all citizens.
Misión Región has been an unprecedented project, not only because of the volume of photographers involved, but also because of its heritage perspective; looking for a contemporary vision of the landscape beyond geographical or aesthetic features, but as a testimony of social customs and economic structures, of transmitted traditions and fashions, of uneven urban development and the advance of rural depopulation, among other multiple realities. Misión Región is a current portrait of our way of understanding and relating to the world, forming a series of spaces of our own identity.
This project has the artistic direction of Paco Gómez, the scientific direction of Mónica Luengo and the technical direction of David Rejano, head of the Area of Diffusion and Heritage Education of the General Subdirectorate of Historical Heritage. Misión Región is a project of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Community of Madrid.
Participants in Mission Region
Participants in Mission_02
Participants in Mission_03
Participants in Mission_04
Participants in Mission_05
Participants in Mission_06
Participants in Mission_07
Participants in Mission_08
Participants in Mission_09
Participants in Mission_10
Participants in Mission_11
Exhibition: REGION. Landscape, photography and heritage
The Eagle hosted, between February 8 and May 7, 2023, the exhibition REGION. Landscape, photography and heritage which culminated the Mission Region project, with a selection of 199 photographs and the possibility of consulting the complete collection on a touch screen.