Book Weaving Past. Cultural Heritage and Profession, in the female gender
First women who dedicated their professional lives to the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage
The conference held in 2018 analyzed the role of the first women who dedicated themselves to the study, protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and its transmission to society.
At 2014, UNESCO identified this issue as a global challenge following the publication of a report on the issue of gender and culture, in which it became clear that the role of women as carriers of meaning for cultural groups contrasted with its lack of influence in the decision-making processes and its scarce opportunities when promoting the development of its cultural life.
The day was part of the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and focused attention on the role played by women in the different facets of cultural heritage: architecture, art, folklore, ethnography or archives, among other matters. To analyze all these issues, professionals came together, not only from heritage, but also from other artistic disciplines such as cinema, philosophy, documentation or journalism. All their interventions are collected in this same web space, as well as their professional profiles, and the program of the day.
Scientific coordination has been carried out by Alicia Torija López and Isabel Baquedano Beltrán.
Weaving Past. Cultural Heritage and Profession, in the female gender
The book Weaving Past. Cultural Heritage and Profession, in the female gender It can be purchased at the Institutional Bookstore of the Community of Madrid, where the general fund of the Community of Madrid is sold, or in the main shopping centers.
Institutional Bookstore of the Community of Madrid
Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid
Official Publications Service
C / Fortuny, 51. 28010 Madrid.
Tel: 91 702 76 21 - Fax: 91 319 50 55
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-451-3804-5
Price: 10,00€
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Cycle of conferences Weaving the Past. Cultural Heritage and Profession