I Survey of social perception of cultural heritage in the Community of Madrid
First survey that monographically analyzes the perception of cultural heritage in the specific area of the Community of Madrid, configuring it as a useful tool for the effective management of public action
Description and characteristics
The Heritage Education Plan of the Community of Madrid, in its line of action 11, establishes the need to know the social perception of the heritage of the Community of Madrid, through a specific study, as an initial starting point to detect areas of interest, weaknesses and strengths of the system to develop future projects, set specific objectives and adjust the offer of heritage activities to the real needs that the different communities manifest.
With these objectives, the survey analyzes the attitudes, opinions and values towards patrimonial protection among the residents in this community.
The scientific direction of the survey has been carried out by Josep Lobera Serrano of the Autonomous University of Madrid and the field work was carried out during the weeks prior to confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so his information is especially valuable as it reflects the attitudes, opinions and values of the population that have been established in recent years and sheds light on the starting point of the new scenario opened by the crisis.
For all these reasons, this study is configured as essential to initiate the development of future actions and to be able to evaluate, likewise, the effectiveness among the population of the initiatives that are developed.
Main results
The results of the survey show some particularly relevant aspects, among which the good general valuation of cultural heritage stands out, the identification of the main barriers to access to heritage dissemination activities among different population groups and the positive assessment of public intervention in the protection of heritage.
The analysis of these results will be of great help to improve the offer of heritage education and dissemination activities on the values of the cultural heritage of the Community of Madrid.
To delve into the content of the survey, two documents have been prepared that can be downloaded freely and free of charge: the full results report and an executive summary that collects the most outstanding data of the study grouped by study areas.
Open Data
In addition, to facilitate and promote accessibility to the complete content of the survey, all the information obtained in the field work has been housed in the open data portal of the Community of Madrid so that it is easily and freely accessible and anyone can work with it easily and with the due regulatory and information quality guarantees.