Bobbin lace image
bobbin lace nets

Bobbin and Needle Lace. European intangible cultural heritage


Cataloging and photography project for the recovery of bobbin lace as a craft and opportunity for social interaction.


Heritage research and conservation

  • «The invisible Heritage of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid» in the Collective Book of the COMEIN-UCM research group: Methodologies and innovation for the study of communication. Editorial Fragua, Madrid 2023.
  • Participation in European Heritage Days. December 2023. I Conference on citizen participation: Cultural Heritage Networks in the Community of Madrid. Round table 1: Knowledge transfer
  • Video report of III bobbin lace meeting in San Sebastián de los Reyes. CAM.

Citizen participation, training

  • Bobbin lace courses in cultural centers, senior centers and associations.
  • European and national meetings, publications, competitions and congresses on bobbin and needle lace

Artistic creation and sale

  • Creating cuts for new lace pieces, selling books, new and old lace

Education and Dissemination

  • Research into forgotten techniques
  • Photographed in high definition in raw of the lace pieces, Cataloging, inventory and dissemination of these

cultural tourism

  • Bobbin lace exhibitions in local cultural centers, churches, convents and municipal museums


At this time they lack financial resources to advance the research project but they have the selfless collaboration of OIDFA that guarantees the correct cataloging of the lace pieces and also the collaboration of the UCM, for the use of the editing rooms and its latest generation audiovisual equipment with the aim of photographing the pieces in high definition. 

Those who participate

  • Researchers from the COMEIN-UCM group and COMEIN Scientific Association
  • Collaborator: OIDFA
  • Support: City councils and different cultural and lace-making associations