Planetarium Avenue
Paleontological action in the Legazpi district
Description of the deposit
The earthworks carried out on the plot have made it possible to document Miocene alluvial sediments, of a mixed nature (detrital and chemical). They are mid-distal facies of alluvial fans, composed of an alternation of loamy clays of gray and greenish colors and whitish marls, with clays of brown tones.
Microvertebrate sampling carried out during earth movements has offered positive but discrete results, locating in the sample several rodent teeth, some fragments and bones of the postcranial skeleton, as well as two reptile vertebrae and a possible artiodactyl molar fragment . The following taxa have been identified: Megacricetodon sp. y gliridae indeterminate. This fossil fauna does not allow a precise biostratigraphic dating, but it does allow to establish a middle Miocene age for the studied sediments. Measurements of the only diagnostic specimen, the second upper cricetid molar, allow us to specify the position within the Middle Aragonian, between two biozones dated between 15,50 - 14,09 million years.