So it was...Digging in the cloud: an unprecedented encounter between archaeology and big data
Meeting held in El Águila. Lolita Franco Auditorium
Dig in the cloud it is an encounter between two worlds far from each other for which reality is beyond what we perceive with the naked eye. A talk about the past and the future, the material and the digital.
The human being has generated material remains for thousands of years that have allowed us to know our past better and better at the pace of scientific advances. What will the immensity of digital data that we are generating say in the future? What do past data say about the present?
They reflected on these questions. Kiko Llaneras y Pilar Fatas, in the meeting held in El Águila, moderated by Pampa Garcia Molina. The unexpected connections between both disciplines ask us how we can know our present in the future. If you missed it, you can watch it here:
An unprecedented encounter between archeology and big data
MODERATOR: Pampa García Molina
Scientific journalist, graduated in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid and master's degree in Scientific Journalism from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Since 2011 she has been working at FECYT, where she has directed the Science Media Center Spain since March 2022.
Until that date, she was editor-in-chief of SINC, the first state-wide public agency specializing in science information in Spanish, with a Creative Commons license. She is part of the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication. She has been a regular contributor to science radio programs on RNE, Onda Cero and others. She provides training in scientific journalism in master's degrees, workshops and seminars aimed at both journalists and the research community. Previously, she worked as a writer and editor for various media outlets in Spain, and co-authored popular science books for adults and children.
Pilar Fatás Monforte
Director of the Altamira National Museum and Research Center since 2016, Pilar Fatás Monforte, from Zaragoza, archaeologist, anthropologist and art historian, with a postgraduate degree in Cultural Heritage Management, belongs to the body of State Museum Curators since 1999. Previously she was Deputy Director since 2000, being in charge of the planning, management and supervision of the technical, economic and administrative areas, in a key period in the life of the center that inaugurated its new museography and facilities in 2001.
As a specialist in cultural management, she has been an adviser on different national and international projects and programs, in addition to having belonged to various advisory commissions such as World Heritage for the Ministry of Culture and Sports. In the same way, she is a member of different international associations and networks related to Prehistory and rock art, highlighting the Rock Art Network, founded by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Bradshaw Foundation or the National Rock Art Committee of ICOMOS Spain.
As a researcher, she has participated in and directed conservation, archaeological and rock art research projects in the Altamira cave and has coordinated the project "National Registry and Inventory of Pre-ceramic Archaeological Heritage and Rock Art of Paraguay".
He is currently investigating the influence of Altamira rock art on contemporary and modern artistic creation.
She directs the "Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola" School of Art and Heritage within the framework of the courses of the Menéndez Pelayo International University, and is the author of numerous articles related to her profession and areas of research.
Kiko Llaneras
PhD in engineering who writes in El País. He previously spent 10 years researching mathematical models in Biology and teaching at the university. He received his doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and was a professor at the University of Girona.
Since 2016, he has been writing in El País to analyze and explain with graphics and data the issues of interest to him, from elections to social changes, pandemics or soccer matches.