So it was...Meeting Heritage with Future
Meeting held in El Águila in 2022, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention
In meeting Heritage with a future, In which the results of the II Survey of Social Perception of Cultural Heritage were presented, he reflected on the future of World Heritage in the region and the challenges that will be faced in the coming years, from the perspective of municipal management.
meet the meeting
18:05 Do the people of Madrid know and value their world cultural heritage?
Presentation of the II Survey of Social Perception of Cultural Heritage of the Community of Madrid
Elena Hernando Gonzalo General Director of Cultural Heritage of the Community of Madrid
18:20 Round table
Challenges after 50 years of the World Heritage Convention: a vision from the municipalities
Moderated by: Monica Luengo Anon Vice President of the National Committee of ICOMOS in Spain
Maria Jose Martinez de la Fuente Mayor of Aranjuez
Charlotte Lopez Esteban Mayor of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Diana Diaz from the Well Councilor for Historical Heritage of the City Council of Alcalá de Henares
Luis Lafuente Batanero General Director of Cultural Heritage of the Madrid City Council
Do people from Madrid know and value their cultural heritage?
The Community of Madrid is a pioneer in the analysis of the perception of cultural heritage and, after the survey carried out in 2020, in this edition the II Survey delves into the perception of citizens about the world heritage of the region, their interests and preferences for cultural consumption. It is a fundamental guide for the development of actions that promote knowledge and enjoyment of heritage, so that it becomes a key element for social cohesion and a privileged way to access culture.
Go back to see the presentation of the results of the II Survey of Social Perception of Cultural Heritage at the Heritage with Future meeting held in El Águila on November 16, 2022.
You can learn more about the survey and access the publication at the following link.
Challenges and challenges after 50 years of the World Heritage Convention
The data from the survey were the starting point for the debate in which the representatives of the four municipalities with World Heritage properties of the Community participated, moderated by Mónica Luengo, vice-president of ICOMOS-ESPAÑA. Topics such as sustainability, social cohesion, conservation, protection of assets and the impact of tourism were discussed.
see the round table on Heritage with a Future.